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Writer's pictureBonita Nuttall

The Power of Storytelling in Public Speaking

How Big Brands Like Samsung, Apple, and Car Manufacturers Captivate Audiences

(Watch / listen to this video with the audio version of this Blog if you'd prefer.)

In the world of public speaking, we often emphasise the importance of storytelling. But why?

What makes storytelling such a potent tool in the arsenal of a speaker, leader, or executive? To understand this, let's delve into how some of the biggest brands — Samsung, Apple, and leading car manufacturers—harness the power of storytelling to sell their ideas, products, and even new behaviors to their clients.

1. Samsung: Innovation Through Human Connection

Samsung has long been a master of storytelling, particularly through its ads and product launches. Their commercials often focus on human experiences and emotions, weaving their technology seamlessly into everyday life. For instance, in their "Do What You Can't" campaign, Samsung tells the story of individuals overcoming personal challenges with the help of their technology. By highlighting real-life scenarios, Samsung makes their products relatable and necessary.

Lesson for Speakers: Humanize your message. Connect your ideas to real-life experiences. When your audience sees themselves in your story, your message becomes more impactful and memorable.

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2. Apple: Crafting a Narrative of Simplicity and Elegance

Apple’s storytelling approach is legendary. From their iconic "1984" Super Bowl ad to the recent Apple Pay Campaign, or the minimalist product launches led by Steve Jobs, Apple creates a narrative of simplicity, innovation, and elegance. Each product is presented as a piece of a larger story, one that promises to revolutionise the way we live and work.

Take the iPhone launch events, for example. Rather than just listing technical specifications, Apple crafts a story around the product's development, its design philosophy, and how it will fit into and enhance the user’s life. They create anticipation and a sense of wonder.

Lesson for Speakers:  Build a narrative arc. Your presentation should have a beginning, middle, and end, guiding your audience through a journey that leaves them with a sense of purpose and excitement.

Watch the Apple Pay Dance Campaign:

3. Car Manufacturers:  Driving Dreams and Aspirations

Car manufacturers like BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Tesla use storytelling to sell more than just cars—they sell lifestyles and aspirations. BMW’s "Father & Son. Freude forever" campaign, doesn't just sell the car, it shows us how times may change, but the feeling stays the same. We celebrate driving pleasure in all stages of life with #FreudeForever.

Tesla, on the other hand, tells a story of innovation and sustainability. Elon Musk’s narratives about the future of energy and transportation position Tesla as a pioneer, inviting customers to be part of a revolutionary movement.

Lesson for Speakers:  

Sell the experience, not just the idea. Whether you’re pitching a product, a strategy, or a vision, paint a vivid picture of the future that your audience can be excited about. Make them see, feel, and desire the change you’re advocating.

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What stops us from using them in Presentations?

The problem is, most people focus on statistics and delivering information that should be communicated in a report - not a presentations.

According to communication expert Nancy Duarte and their research:

Public Speaking Skills Statistics

But SO many speakers are afraid of telling stories, because it requires of us be involved, personally, in some way. It requires of us to feel something, so that our audiences does too.

The problem is - if you're not feeling it - neither is the audience, and you're limiting your influence, and impact.

Practical Tips for Incorporating Storytelling into Your Speaking:

  1. Identify Your Core Message:  What is the key takeaway you want your audience to remember? Build or tell your story around this central idea.

  2. Use Real-Life Examples:  Personal anecdotes or real-life case studies can make abstract concepts tangible and relatable - and connect you, personally to your audience, for greater connection, which means greater influence.

  3. Create Emotional Engagement:  Emotions are powerful drivers of action. Use your story to evoke feelings that align with your message—be it excitement, urgency, hope, or curiosity.

  4. Visualise the Future:  Help your audience see the possibilities. Use vivid imagery and descriptive language to paint a picture of the benefits and outcomes of adopting your ideas. Tell stories in the first person to heighten senses and engagement.

  5. Practice and Refine:  Like any skill, storytelling improves with practice. Rehearse your story, get feedback, and refine it until it resonates deeply with your audience.

I love this Native American Indian proverb about storytelling:

Public Speaking Skills

In conclusion, the power of storytelling in public speaking cannot be overstated. By studying how giants like Samsung, Apple, and leading car manufacturers use storytelling to captivate and persuade, we can glean valuable insights to enhance our own presentations.

Remember, it’s not just about selling a product or idea - it’s about selling a vision that your audience can see themselves being a part of. So, embrace storytelling, and watch your influence soar.


Whether you’re an executive, leader, speaker, or thought leader, incorporating storytelling into your presentations will elevate your message and create a lasting impact.

Ready to level up your ability to tell captivating stories?

Let's embark on this journey together and transform the way you connect with your audience.

Contact me today to find out more about how you can elevate your influence and impact through storytelling!


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