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Work with Bonita

At school, I was that kid whose hand shot up the moment an oral exam or school play was announced!


I was also that kid that pranged my Gran’s BMW the day before my final maths exam and got out of writing it. 





Communication that creates authentic connection, channelled creatively in ways that inspire, uplift and empower people – that’s my game!

Why that matters?

And I'd love to help you with yours!


As an event organiser, we understand you want your events to be flawless, to deliver high quality, memorable content that makes your event the go-to event for your audience. 


We’d love to help with that!


Bonita's keynotes are a bit like getting a pep talk from your best friend, with heartfelt moments, belly laughs and practical take-aways wrapped in moments reflection. 


And just as when besties get together, there’s always high-energy, bullet-proof hair, and a passion for connection that always leaves you on a high note!

Bonita's Speaker Circle Program has been specially designed with Bonita’s over 20 years’ worth of in-the-field presenting experience and use evidence-based methodologies to help you and your team communicate at their best.


This program is designed to help you level up your speaking capabilities, get a solid foundation and get the most critical tools, strategies and help you save time, increase your confidence, clarity and credibility.

Website Speakers Circle Program.png

Gender bias and Tall Poppy Syndrome have chopped down more dreams than Covid, and Imposter Syndrome still chokes the life out of some of the most brilliant leaders even when they're already in positions of leadership.


Turn Up the YOU is the antidote to playing it small, playing it safe and playing down the parts of us that prevent us from realising our full potential.


In Bonita’s Turn Up the YOU Keynote and Workshops, she helps leaders to do just that. 




Bonita Nutall is a dynamic presenter with more than 20 years experience in virtually every facet of media communications.


Click on the button below to schedule an obligation free chat today,

and let's see how we can help you get the results you want!

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